Incubating dreams…

I have a lot of “someday” dreams. I’m sure you have some, too. They’re not “bucket list” type dreams – something to do once and scratch it off the list forever. They’re “someday, I want this to be part of my life” dreams. Otherwise known as long-term goals if we lived in a perfect world where you’re on the right track and everything is magically flowing in the right directions.

In the last week, the Universe has given me clear indications that two of these Someday Dreams are on their way to becoming reality. Not through persistent, dogged effort (though I’m working on those kinds of dreams/goals, too). Just by saying to myself and the Universe, “Yes, I’d really like that.” And then, like magic, I’m getting resources and opportunities handed to me by friends and business contacts whom, by the way, I had never told about these dreams.

Whether it’s the Universe tossing these things in my direction in response to my desire or I’m simply noticing opportunities because I’m looking for them, that doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is that I’m incubating these dreams, and they’re getting closer and closer to becoming reality.

So what are your Someday Dreams? You don’t have to share them, of course. Sometimes they’re too fragile at this stage. But it sure is fun to think and dream about, isn’t it?


Filed under Personal

3 responses to “Incubating dreams…

  1. May all your someday dreams come true: short term, long term, day to day, year to year. My motto for the day: Turn up the heat and Incubate.

  2. traineehypnotist

    Best wishes and I know that all your wishes will come true for you one day.
    Love & light xx

  3. Thanks for all of your good wishes, guys! I really appreciate it, and I hope that all of YOUR dreams come true as well! XO

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